
Anna Nyberg

Anna Nyberg

Denis Kraskovic

Denis Kraskovic


Kalle Turkka Purhonen – Sampsa Indrén – Petri Hytönen – Pan Jiangfeng

Emma Tryti



Anders Bergman

Tellervo Viitaniemi
Bengt Jansson-Wennberg
Kim Somervuori
Anne Räisänen
Petri Hytönen


Ryhmä osittain toisilleen tuntemattomia taitelijoita kokoontuu yhteen ja alkaa toteuttaa itseään uudella tekniikalla. Ryhmässä on kokeneita ja eri tavoin ansioituneita taiteilijoita Tukholmasta, Falunista, Helsingistä ja Porvoosta, paikat ovat Falun ja Ruotsi, tekniikka piirrosanimaatio ja videointi. Taiteilijana työskentelee pääasiassa yksin, keskittyen tunteja hiljaa, seurana vain teos ja välineet.

Ryhmässä alamme leikkiä, kuunnella toisten ajatuksia, inspiroituen ryhmän piirroksista ja työskentelytavoista. Kun ihminen menettää kykynsä leikkiä, hän ei ole enää luova. Hyvien taitelijoiden kanssa tasoon voi luottaa, jokaisen leikki on vakavaa.

Joiltain osin ryhmätyöskentely on kovin toisenlaista, kuin yksin työskentely. Se on olemista ripustautumatta ennalta muovattuihin suunnitelmiin, avointa reagoimista uusiin ajatuksiin ja parhaalla energialla ratsastamista. Työskentely vaatii myös tiettyä sitkeyttä ja prosessien kannattelemista, kun porukan lintuparvimainen keskittyminen meinaa pyrähtää ulos ikkunasta. Toisaalta kaikki tämä pätee myös yksin työskentelyyn. Ryhmätyöskentelyssä se jäsentyy silmien eteen toisella tavalla.

George Zupp

George Zupp

Harrie Liveart

Harrie Liveart



Taiteilijaryhmä Ruotsista… Maria Häggalund, Elinor Ström ja Catarina W. Källström

Ida Koitila

Ida Koitila

Who and why R U an artist? I’m a Finnish artist who grew up in the southwest parts of Sweden. After finishing my studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki 2011, I spent almost a decade in Berlin, eventually returning to Finland, finding a new setting for my work in Hanko. Already at an early age I occupied myself with the creation of small sculptures. Through these exercises I learned to process the things happening around me. This method turned into a way of life, and though I had the possibility to choose differently later on, I decided to continue with the mental workout that the life as an artist offered me.

What is ”Space is a Common Thing” 4 U? When I create an artwork I always try to put the viewer in relation to a space. It can be by simply working with the physical elements in the exhibition room, or by trying to create more of a mental atmosphere, brought to life by the combination of various objects and imagery.

What about your work/visions in Porvoo Triennial 2024? For this particular installation I thought about space in a broader context, as the overall habitat that we all share. The works are fairly straight forward, pending between their domestic aesthetics and intrusive claims that our civilization are going up in fames. The installation depicts a forward motion that are realized through the transformation of the objects brought in to the gallery.

Jenni Tuominen

Jenni Tuominen

Jonas Kjellgren

Jonas Kjellgren

Jonas Kjellgren and Nina Svensson show two works in two different places: 

in the window of Riimikko in the old town of Porvoo and in the collections of 

Yrjö A. Jäntti in Porvoo Arthall.

The Whole (Riimikko)

The Hollow (Porvoo Arthall)

A software bug is an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system 

that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result or to behave in unintended ways. A hole, an absence of meaning, gives significance and makes 

the environment and behaviour visible. A donut is not a donut without its hole. 

Josipa Krolo

Josipa Krolo

Juan Andrés Milanes Benito

Juan Andrés Milanes Benito

Kent Karlsson

Kris Pierce

Kris Pierce

Marianna Uutinen

Marianna Uutinen

  • Art is a means to expose the true conciousness of reality for me, to live it and show people the alternative being and way of living.
  • Space is a Common Thing represents that expanded conciousness concreetly and collectively.
  • At Porvoo Triennial I will show paintings from my “cosmic” series. The paintings materiality creates their own interactive space with the surroundings and the viewer. The seemingly kitchy fictive and the abstract collide.

Mattias Hellberg

Mattias Hellberg

Who and why R U an artist? My name is Mattias Hellberg, and I am a Swedish artist living in Oslo, Norway. I started out as a musician at a very young age, but eventually realized that it was the performance aspect, rather than the music itself, that truly captivated me. This realization led me to embrace the identity of an artist.

What is ”Space is a Common Thing” 4 U? Space is, or at least should be, a common space. My work for the Triennale examine our common space, by exploring the inner aspects of being in a very literal sense, both physically and psychologically.

What about your work/visions in Porvoo Triennial 2024? I will present three videos and a performance that reinterpret Moomin Valley with an existential and ufological twist. The videos explore the experiences of a solitary character wearing a Moomin mask who undergoes psychosis, encounters attacks by Hattifatteners, suffers from stomach problems, and more.

Mette Björnberg

Mette Björnberg

Mirza Cizmic

Mirza Cizmic - sarjasta "Stolen Memories"

Mirza Cizmic

Nina Svensson

Nina Svensson

Jonas Kjellgren and Nina Svensson show two works in two different places: 

in the window of Riimikko in the old town of Porvoo and in the collections of 

Yrjö A. Jäntti in Porvoo Arthall.

The Whole (Riimikko)

The Hollow (Porvoo Arthall)

A software bug is an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result or to behave in unintended ways. A hole, an absence of meaning, gives significance and makes the environment and behaviour visible. A donut is not a donut without its hole. 


Pekka Turunen

Pekka Turunen

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Peter Johansson

Peter Johansson

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Porvoo Artist Association

Porvoo Artist Association



Read more about The Artists

Richie Budd

Richie Budd

Who and why R U an artist? Richie Budd, living and art studio in Texas, USA. I am an artist because that’s what I’ve chosen to do for now.

What is ”Space is a Common Thing” 4 U? Space is a common thing because it is everywhere and we use it every day to travel, to build things, and to communicate. The universe is vast and there is an enormous amount of empty space and it is something that we all share.

What about your work/visions in Porvoo Triennial 2024? WALL MOLE™ shares concepts of the East and the West. Inspired by Abraham Lincoln’s sixteen-inch beauty mark on the Mount Rushmore National Memorial by sculptor Gutzon Borglum, WALL MOLE fuses Marilyn Monroe’s iconic facial dot, the aesthetic of Donald Judd’s internationally renowned minimalist artworks, and auspicious concepts of Feng Shui into a purposeful interior architectural beauty mark.

WALL MOLE, like the sixteenth President of the United States, is an emancipator and preserver of wholeness in unions. WALL MOLE weakens the projected negative energy associated with sharp ninety-degree corners found in most homes and offices. In Feng Shui these corners are known as Sha Chi or poison arrows. They prohibit the flow of positive chi and can weaken energy and lessen good health and well-being. When WALL MOLE is placed at these locations, it neutralizes the negative and causes a positive energy to flow more smoothly through a room. Painted black, WALL MOLE is the color of money and holds the energy of power and protection. This combination of direct ties to demigods, good flowing energy, and financial potency causes good fortune to soon follow, buy now.

The creator of WALL MOLE is a direct bloodline descendant of Abraham Lincoln. ©

Richard Johansson

Richard Johansson

Who and why R U an artist? Jag har alltid älskat att lyssna på berättelser. Både stora och små. Berättelserna är de centrala för mig i mitt konstnärsskap. Jag gick bara nio år i grundskola, och jag struntade i skolarbetet nästan helt och hållet de tre sista åren. Jag satt ofta och ritade och drömde mig bort.

Det visuella bildspråket kändes tidigt som hemma. Efter att ha arbetat i fem år i industrin, började jag studera konst 21 år gammal. Efter sju års studier började min konstnärsbana. Som konstnär är berättandet en röd tråd. För mig är uttrycket i bilden viktigare än att jag framstår som en skicklig målare. Som konstnär är jag intresserad av min väg, människors väg och samhällets väg.

What is ”Space is a Common Thing” 4 U? För mig är allt utrymme, stort som smått, inne i huvudet och utanför mig själv, platser där jag försöker navigera.

What about your work/visions in Porvoo Triennial 2024? Min önskan är att jag ska ta mig till Borgå och utställningen ( eftersom jag inte gillar att resa )

Roger Metto

Roger Metto

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Roland Persson

Roland Persson

Sandra Sterle

Sandra Sterle

Åsa Maria Bengtsson

Åsa Maria Bengtsson